Thursday, February 24, 2022

Technology: My Friend and My Worst Enemy (Final Post)


    Cell phones. Televisions. Internet. These are just a couple of the many critical technological devices and inventions that we use in our daily lives. They have made life easier and to an extent more enjoyable, but they along with other technological inventions can have detrimental side effects. 

Technological Confusion

    The benefits of technological innovation are plentiful, which is exemplified by the Futurama ride in the 1960s, as it can help human life in numerous ways such as increasing productivity, increasing communication ability, making a more educated workforce, and helping with medical advances. These advances have made it easier to do basic duties that help humans survive and thrive. As shown in the Age of AI video, the human race has made incredible strides like never seen before since the Industrial Revolution because of technological inventions making us more ingenious than ever before.
    While the benefits are great, so are the risks. Some of the possible risks for people using technology, especially children, include increased obesity, a decline in social skills, shorter attention span, and addiction to technology. On top of all the negative side effects, a decline in mental health is also a valid concern as many people become reliant on social media and technology to keep them happy and entertained. This reliance can lead to more behavior/ethical issues and less of an ability to self regulate themselves. Additionally, this technological increase especially with big tech companies has led to breaches in privacy as the big corporations allow people to use their resources for free, but in fact they actually monitor and collect data by the users for their benefit.
    Moving forward, where will technology take us? The future appears to be in Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the ability for machines and computers to learn and perform tasks usually only associated with intelligent beings after exposure to relevant information. This is already starting to take shape as was shown in the video as self driving trucks are becoming a reality in America, sweeping facial recognition systems in China, and increased investment in America and China to improve AI to increase productivity. As was explained with this uptick in AI usage, there will be a decrease in jobs available for the average person which would be an indirect negative affect of technology and its advancements.

Looking Inward

    As for myself, I believe I have an above average healthy relationship with technology. A lot of the right ways to use technology healthily, involve being a good digital citizen which includes following the laws, using correct online etiquette, communicating effectively, understanding the security and health risks of technology, and much more. From my perspective, I am knowledgeable in these areas as I am careful what I say and do while using technological devices. 

    When it comes to screen time, it is usually understood that there is not necessarily a set maximum amount of time people should be using technology every day. To an extent, time using devices must be monitored, but the concern is really about what people are doing with the technology (educational use, occupational use, recreational use, etc.). During the week I am writing this post, I am averaging 3 hours and 26 minutes on my phone every day. That may sound like a lot, but if I had to guess this number is probably less than most people my age. That time includes some entertainment, but also reading all of the news for the day and watching informative videos online. 

    When looking at my online footprint, I would say it is actually pretty small compared to others. When looking up only "Alex Powell" I am nowhere to be found, but if you look up "Alex Powell Roanoke, VA" then a few things of mine turn up. First is my LinkedIn account, then there is my name on Hudl from when I played high school soccer, and if you go to the second page of results you can find my name on scouting organization's website. Also, if you look at images you can find a link that involves me from when I was nominated for a prestigious area wide award my senior year of high school and when I won honorable mention in a nationwide video contest.


    In conclusion, technology has become instrumental in our daily lives and routines for even basic functions from waking on time up in the morning to being able to see what we are doing with electricity to being able to communicate with our loved ones through messaging and social media. But while these different technological inventions and systems can be beneficial, they can negative side effects when used in excess or in the wrong way. This improper and excessive use could lead to physical harm, mental harm, or both which is why we must be careful and mindful of our actions and intentions while using technology at all times.

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