Monday, February 21, 2022

Hey Siri

    When scrolling through social media, have you ever noticed how your interests are always the first things to show up? Well, this is because of machine learning which I learned about in EOTO 2. Machine learning is when a computer focuses on the use of data and algorithms to imitate the way that humans learn leading computers to become more accurate over time. Some examples of this machine learning is Siri for Apple, Cortana for Microsoft, and the For You Page on TikTok. 

    Machine learning is a part of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that continues to help propel computer progress forward. This innovation has increased productivity and success of certain companies and people as these algorithms will promote the things that interest people which can help produce more consumption of products. Also, machine learning can become beneficial as it will learn the ways humans interact and can help to predict what humans want in the future. Machine learning will also help medical industry procedures and improve methods of operation for certain government agencies. 

    While machine learning can be beneficial, it can also be detrimental. This is because when the system reads data by people it also collects that personal information which invades people's privacy. Computers can even tell people's age, gender, religion, and political beliefs just by monitoring your online actions which continues to be a violation of privacy as those categories of information are protected and private. Lastly, machine learning is bad because as machines learn more information, it becomes more independent as it becomes less reliant on humans to control it and keep it online therefore possibly making the computer more powerful than humans.

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