Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The Best Places to Get Your News

 To Begin

    There are many options for staying up to date with the news. News sources usually cater towards a specific age, gender, political belief, etc. in order to have a solid base and consistent viewership. Growing up, I had parents and family members who were set in conservative political beliefs and that has influenced me and my decisions on where to read my news. While their beliefs have rubbed off on me, I do believe in finding out the real truth so I use a variety of news sources. 


    As I mentioned above, I grew up in a conservative household so we watched a lot of FOX News and that has trickled down to my tastes in where I get my news. FOX News is great for continual news coverage as it is constantly on air 24/7 to provide any news or updates. On the other hand, FOX News typically only reports news in a way that aligns with their right wing point of view as it is its demographic that continues to watch and support the network. 


    CNN or Cable News Network is similar in style to FOX News as it is on 24/7 365 days a year and can easily report and update the most recent news. CNN differs from FOX News as it takes a more liberal approach to reporting the news as that is its supporting demographic. I like to pay attention to CNN as it offers a different story than FOX News, and I can then compare stories from them both and find the truth that is somewhere in the middle. CNN is also one of my go-to's as it is one of longest running cable news network, so it has built up a reputation of effectively reporting news.


    ESPN or Entertainment and Sports Programming Network reports on the latest sports news. I typically keep up with ESPN because I am an avid sports fan. ESPN is in my opinion the most in depth and up to date when it comes to the analyzation sports. Also, ESPN contains the best database for finding out all of your sports needs as they report on almost all relevant sports, even some international sports. In addition, ESPN+, which is an add on to ESPN further improves my sports news needs with more articles and analysis while also providing documentaries. 


    WDBJ7 is my favorite local, hometown news television station in Roanoke, Virginia that is in association with CBS. On WDBJ7 I can easily find some of the biggest international and national stories that are also found on FOX News and CNN. But the main purpose of using WDBJ7 is to learn about my state and local news as they have a large presence in the area and can easily report all of the needed local relevant information. Also, the local news tends to provide more positive local news which can put me in a better mood. In addition to regular news, you can easily find out the local collegiate and high school sports updates and local weather updates. 


    The BBC or British Broadcasting Corporation is based in the United Kingdom which can be effective for reading the news. The BBC is normally my go to for international news because in my experience U.S. news organizations focus more on internal news and information, while the BBC seems to have a more worldly approach. Also, the BBC provides an outsider's look into U.S. politics, policy issues, and news which can help me to see through the internal bias in the prominent U.S. news organizations. Lastly, the BBC helps give me insight into another country's (the United Kingdom's) news and issues.

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