Thursday, January 20, 2022

Cornerstone of the United States: Freedom of Expression


    Prior to the Declaration of Independence and Revolutionary War, the founding fathers were restricted in their actions and beliefs by the British Empire which they were subjects to. This is why the cornerstone of the United States Constitution is the first amendment which provides the freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom to petition, freedom to assemble, freedom to practice religion, and freedom to not practice a religion. The freedom of speech aspect has been a contested topic throughout the country's short history as there has been debate over how far the first amendment protects freedom of speech and whether some topics and ideas should be censored. This has led scholars to come up with specific values of freedom of speech/expression which argue why the protection of the freedom of expression is so important for the success and peace of a country. 

Venting is a Good Thing

    One of the eight values that stuck out to me was suggested by Benedict Spinoza when he explained that allowing people to "vent" their frustrations is beneficial as it prevents violence. This is a plausible concept because if you look back at the history of the United States, there are examples of where allowing peaceful venting changed policies while restrictions caused conflicts. Look at the Civil Rights Movement, they peacefully used their right to freedom of speech/expression to initiate change in a nonviolent manner which successfully initiated change. Conversely, if you look at the abolition movement you see a lack of allowing people to vent their frustrations about the mistreatment of minorities and one of the results was the Civil War which was a horrible and bloody conflict that could have been avoided. It could have been avoided by allowing the minorities to have their voices heard and taken them seriously to initiate changes. Ultimately, thankfully changes were made, but allowing people to vent their frustrations actually alleviates conflict and promotes a healthy discourse. Recently, this venting has been done with protests to improve race relations and these protests have powered change and supported reforms. 

It's Not Mob Rule!

    Another important value to remember comes from Steve Shiffrin when he outlines his argument that it is not a mob rule of the majority and that as a part of a minority you have the right to express your beliefs and it is even your duty to do so. This is important because some people argue for censorship of certain people or unpopular beliefs. This can come from both sides of the political spectrum, different age groups, different sexes, etc. and this has led to the foundation of "cancel culture". An example of this contested cancel culture issue is currently going on back in my home state of Virginia where a group of students who are in the minority with their views are allegedly being silenced. Granted in many cases of these cancel culture incidents, there can be a valid argument that what they say or do is "bad", but their views need to be heard to help keep the majority and government accountable. Also, this freedom of expression helps people to make fully knowledgeable decisions which benefits the individual and the society as a whole. 

A Path Toward Modernization

    Jack Balkin explained in his value of the freedom of expression that free speech enables more innovation and creativity in a society. He said that it also makes a society more energized to fulfill their potential. This is true, innovation and new ideas comes from the free exchange of information. You can take a look at the United States as a perfect example because the U.S. has been ahead of many other countries over the last two and half centuries in modernization and productivity. This is especially evident in economical ways as the U.S. has been way ahead, but also in social terms. While it has taken a little longer, many minorities have been given equal status thanks to the freedom of expression and support of allies and now the United States is one of the most diverse and welcoming countries. 


    The United States is called the "land of the free" and this is because of the protections the citizens have from each other and from the government infringing upon their lives.  These protections stem from the first amendment where the freedom of expression for its citizens was officially established. The freedom of expression is very a important protection that makes the United States such a desirable place to live which is why you see the constant influx of people wanting to become U.S. citizens and to live a prosperous life provided by these principles.

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